Join our team today  

Become a driver for us and can start booking your own high value loads around the U.S and negotiate for the price that you want & deserve. 


Our mission  

747 XPRESS LLC  is dedicated to better our economy and move freight across the 48 states of the U.S. We're here to give new and experienced drivers the opportunity to be able to book their own loads for the price and value that you are willing to haul it for. 

Interested on becoming a driver 

Please click the join button, print and file out the document and send it back to us using our email (drive747x@747xpress.com) with your contact information or if you have any questions please call us at (864) 498-4071 thank you and we look forward to having you be a part of our growing success.

Marc Willy 


Meet the owner of 747 XPRESS LLC, he has driven and took this company to where it is at now and you guys will be working directly with him.

Marc Denzell Destin

Meet the head of our management department, he will be in charge of signing and approving the loads that you guys book.

Our Team